Pre-Workout Explosion

The Total Gym or Chuck Norris Exercise Equipment is a breakthrough in home gym fitness.  You use your body weight as the resisitance.  You can focus on a chosen muscle group.

The Chuck Norris exercise equipment or Total Gym will bring the Gym to you.

The Chuck Norris exercise equipment or Total Gym is great.  I give it 4.5 out of 5 stars.  Starting out I recommend the Intermediate DVD.  This takes about 45-50 minutes and you will break a sweat.  Unlike DDP Yoga and Hip Hop abs I sweat every time I do the Intermediate dvd workout.  The dvd targets your core and different groups of muscles like arms, legs, core, and back.  When starting out it takes a few times to get used to the glide board.  You can start seated or kneeling.  Kneeling is harder and takes more balance.  There is a move called the “Surfer” which tests your balance and builds your core.  After two or three times you get used to kneeling on the glide board and get a feel for the machine.

I still do the intermediate workout DVD three times a week because of the structure.  However, you could do a workout from the manual depending on difficulty.  You could also look at the fit guide on the Total Gym itself and make up your own specific workout doing the different moves.  One of the best things about the Chuck Norris Exercise Equipment is the versatility.  There are tons of different exercises and you can feel the results by the burn.  There are different attachments for pull-ups or sit-ups and you can do as many sets as you like.  I like the high repetitions with the glide board set on a 4 setting.  This is an easier setting position. You then get a higher repetition, lower weight workout.  If you want a lower repetition higher weight workout like body builders, try setting the glide board above a 6.  This will give you more weight resistance for a more difficult workout.

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