Pre-Workout Explosion

DDP Yoga Reviews-Not your mama’s Yoga

DDP Yoga reviews-Not your mamas Yoga.  Diamond Dallas Page Yoga DVD series reviewed for newbie or experienced.

DDP Yoga is a great exercise DVD program.  Diamond Dallas Page hurt his back while wrestling.  He then got into yoga to heal and it changed his life.  He loved it so much he became an instructor and yoga enthusiast.  He has made yoga available for everyone.  His claim to fame is Arthur.   Arthur was very obese and couldn’t walk without a walker for support.  After  18 months not only did he lose a ton of weight but he was so limber he could do the splits.  He no longer needed supports to walk and lost a ton of weight.  So not only does it help you with flexibility it helps you lose weight.

My experience with DDP Yoga is that once I got started I wanted to do it every day.  The feeling after completing a workout made me come back for more.  I felt invigorated and my body felt loose.  There are 4 different DVDs and a manual.  The first workout on the main DVD is called the Diamond Dozen.  In this beginning section Diamond Dallas with help from every day people shows you the twelve different positions for his Yoga workouts.  First he shows you how to do the move then you do the move with him.  You can follow the calendar routine that shows you what days and what exercises to do.  I started with the Diamond Dozen and then progressed to the main routines of Energy and Fatburner.  Energy is around twenty minutes and Fatburner is closer to 25 minutes.  These two are the bread and butter of the exercises.  I really like the feeling after the workout is over.  My flexibility has improved and I can put my hands flat on the floor while stretching forward standing up.  The exercises really stretch your body.  A milestone for me was when I could grab my feet in the cannonball position on the floor.  It took time but I can grab my feet now. The workouts are challenging but not impossible.   With time you can get better and more flexible. Diamond Dallas has a helper show the modified routine for beginners and a more difficult version as well.  

DDP Yoga can change your life.  I really believe it changed the way I feel and helped me in ways other exercises couldn’t.  Like Diamond Dallas Page  says in the workouts, it turns back the hands of time.  I still do Fatburner and energy 3-4 times a week.  If you want to feel better on a daily basis, but aren’t sure about Yoga.   Try this program by DDP and your body will thank you by feeling younger and rejuvenated.  This type of Yoga makes you feel like a kid again with the flexibility and stretching.

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